Wolfgang Minatti

I am a researcher working on legitimation and governance in international politics and civil war. 

I work as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Potsdam.


My research deals with


How are political systems upheld during conflict? What is the relation between violence, authority and support?


How can we theorise and operationalise legitimation in contexts of complex governance such as international politics or civil war?

Qualitative Methods

When should we do fieldwork? What are the ethics of fieldwork in contexts of political violence? 


How do multi-layered governance systems interact? How do armed actors govern in civil war?


University Potsdam

2024/25. Studying the 'Global South': Methods, Histories and Critiques. MA Seminar.
2024/25. Introduction to Security Politics. BA Seminar.
2024. Introduction to Security Politics. BA Seminar.

European University Institute

TU Darmstadt

Dr. Wolfgang Minatti

Department for Political and Administrative Science
University Potsdam

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